MedHelp Apps
I’m Expecting: Pregnancy tracker app for women
My Cycles: Period & symptom tracking app for women
My Diet Diary: Diet & Activity tracking app with calories & nutrients calculations and tracking. Provided syncing with activity monitors like Fitbit.
Other apps that I worked on here are myHdl and PicHealthy.
I’m Expecting and My Cycles have been featured multiple times by Google in Google Play
Tools: Android SDKs, Java, Git, SVN, MixPanel
As the first Android Engineer, I setup the foundation for most of the apps at MedHelp. Other than these apps, I also built a few reusable libraries that the apps above used. More details about my roles and responsibilities are available on my career page.
MedHelp has been acquired by StayWell and most of the apps have been discontinued. Added below are the screenshots of each app’s page from Google Play.